My Favourites

This is hinava, a local food from Sabah. It is also known as umai in Sarawak. Hinava is a pickled fish. 

This is pickled bambangan, also a local food from Sabah.

This is Grilled Chicken Burger (GCB) from McDonald's. It's my favourite food because the juicy chicken meat.

This is longan. Longan is sweet. This is my favourite fruit since I was a child.

This is a heavenly goddess fruit, durian. Durian is creamy, sweet and that smell OMG..... I'm craving it actually. This is also what I like to eat since small.

This is what in Malaysia called kerabu mangga. It's a pickled mango. If you eat this for lunch and dinner, you will add your rice 5 more time. Believe me because I've experienced it before.

These are two of my favourite drinks. One is CocaCola. Want to know why? Because it relieves the thirst in my throat when it is a hot day. Another one is bubble tea. Bubble tea will always be my favourite beacuse i loooooveeee the topping which the pearl. The pearl is a chewy heaven hahahahahaha just kidding.
This is Pavilion, KL.

I love to go here because it is a heaven of shops to shop. Also, when it is festive season, the decorations here (inside and outside) are extravagant. I can stand there, looking at the decorations for 10 minutes straight. I really adore the decorations that they make. IT IS SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL. But I don't have the pictures. Sorry hehehe
So, this is my favourite song. It's a religious song but nevermind. This song kind of a song that I grew up with.

This is my favourite movie. Why? Because Chris Evans is HOT, like REALLY HOT. Yup, I highlighted red on purpose hehehehe but seriously, this is the best movie I have ever seen.

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